|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]刘 兢,陈芷薇.西方跨学科“人工智能—社会”讨论对新闻传播学的启示[J].未来传播(浙江传媒学院学报),2023,(03):2-8.
 LIU Jing & CHEN Zhi-wei.A Review of the Special Issue of "AI-society" of Daedalus and its Implications for Journalism and Communication Studies[J].FUTURE COMMUNICATION,2023,(03):2-8.





A Review of the Special Issue of "AI-society" of Daedalus and its Implications for Journalism and Communication Studies
刘 兢陈芷薇
LIU Jing & CHEN Zhi-wei
人工智能 技术前沿 人文反思 社会争议 新闻传播学


[1] 喻国明,等.智能化:未来传播模式创新的核心逻辑—兼论“人工智能+媒体”的基本运作范式[J].新闻与写作,2017(3):41-45.
[2] 仇筠茜,陈昌凤.黑箱:人工智能技术与新闻生产格局嬗变[J].新闻界,2018(1):28-34.
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[4] 张志安,刘杰.人工智能与新闻业:技术驱动与价值反思[J].新闻与写作,2017(11):5-9.
[5] 沈浩,袁璐.人工智能:重塑媒体融合新生态[J].现代传播,2018(7):8-11.
[6] 张超,钟新.从比特到人工智能:数字新闻生产的算法转向[J].编辑之友,2017(11):61-66.
[7] 孙玮.交流者的身体:传播与在场—意识主体、身体—主体、智能主体的演变[J].国际新闻界,2018(12):83-103.
[8] 陈卫星.智能传播的认识论挑战[J].国际新闻界,2021(9):6-24.
[9] 蒋晓丽,钟棣冰.智能传播时代人与算法技术的关系交迭[J].新闻界,2022(1):118-126.
[10] 於春.传播中的离身与具身:人工智能新闻主播的认知交互[J].国际新闻界,2020(5):35-50.
[11] 姬德强.深度造假:人工智能时代的视觉政治[J].新闻大学,2020(7):1-16.
[12] 林爱珺,刘运红.智能新闻信息分发中的算法偏见与伦理规制[J].新闻大学,2020(1):29-39.
[13] 许向东,王怡溪.智能传播中算法偏见的成因、影响与对策[J].国际新闻界,2020(10):69-85.
[14] Guzman, L.& Lewis, C.(2020).Artificial intelligence and communication: A human-machine communication research agenda.New Media & Society, 22(1): 70-86.
[15] Hancock, J.T., Naaman, M.& Levy, K.(2020).AI-mediated communication: Definition, research agenda, and ethical considerations.Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 25(1): 89-100.
[16] Elish, C.& Boyd, D.(2018).Situating methods in the magic of big data and AI.Communication Monographs, 85(1): 57-80.
[17] Sundar, S.(2020).Rise of machine agency: A framework for studying the psychology of human-AI Interaction(HAII).Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 25(1): 74-88.
[18] Lewis, S.C., Guzman, A.L.& Schmidt, T.R.(2019).Automation, journalism, and human-machine communication: Rethinking roles and relationships of humans and machines in news.Digital Journalism, 7(4): 409-427.
[19] Vaccari, C.& Chadwick, A.(2020).Deepfakes and disinformation: Exploring the impact of synthetic political video on deception, uncertainty, and trust in news.Social Media+ Society, 6(1):2056305120903408
[20] Shin, D.(2020).User perceptions of algorithmic decisions in the personalized AI system: perceptual evaluation of fairness, accountability, transparency, and explainability.Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 64(4): 541-565.
[21] Ho, A., Hancock, J.& Miner, A.S.(2018).Psychological, relational, and emotional effects of self-disclosure after conversations with a chatbot.Journal of Communication, 68(4): 712-733.
[22] Manyika, J.(2022).Getting AI right: Introductory notes on AI & society.Daedalus, 151(2): 5-27.
[23] Murati, E.(2022).Language & coding creativity.Daedalus, 151(2): 156-167.
[24] Li, F.& Krishna,R.(2022).Searching for computer vision north stars.Daedalus, 151(2): 85-99.
[25] Rus.D,(2022).The machines from our future.Daedalus, 151(2): 100-113.
[26] Shadbolt, N.(2022).From so simple a beginning: Species of artificial intelligence.Daedalus, 151(2): 28-42.
[27] Simon, H.& Newell,A.(1958).Heuristic problem solving: The next advance in operations research.Operations Research, 6(1): 1-10.
[28] Choi, Y.(2022).The curious case of commonsense intelligence.Daedalus, 151(2): 139-155.
[29] Bolter, D.(1984).Artificial intelligence.Daedalus, 113(3): 1-18.
[30] Russell, S.(2022).If we succeed.Daedalus, 151(2): 43-57.
[31] Manyika, J.(2022).Afterword: Some illustrations.Daedalus, 151(2): 372-379.
[32] McCarthy, J., Minsky, M.L., Rochester, N.& Shannon, C.E.(2006).A proposal for the dartmouth summer research project on artificial intelligence, August 31, 1955.AI Magazine, 27(4): 12-12.
[33] Rees, T.(2022).Non-human words: On GPT-3 as a philosophical laboratory.Daedalus, 151(2): 168-182.
[34] Arcas, A.(2022).Do large language models understand us?Daedalus, 151(2): 183-197.
[35] Tyson, L.& Zysman,J.(2022).Automation, AI & work.Daedalus, 151(2): 256-271.
[36] Spence, M.(2022).Automation,augmentation, value creation & the distribution of income & wealth.Daedalus, 151(2): 244-255.
[37] Brynjolfsson, E.(2022).The turing trap: The promise & peril of human-like artificial intelligence.Daedalus, 151(2): 272-287.
[38] Carter, A.(2022).The moral dimension of AI-assisted decision-making: Some practical perspectives from the front lines.Daedalus, 151(2): 299-308.
[39] Dwork, C.& Minow,M.(2022).Distrust of artificial intelligence: Sources & responses from computer science & law.Daedalus, 151(2): 309-321.
[40] Katyal, S.(2022).Democracy & distrust in an era of artificial intelligence.Daedalus, 151(2): 322-334.
[41] Gabriel, I.(2022).Toward a theory of justice for artificial intelligence.Daedalus, 151(2): 218-231.
[42] Tasioulas, J.(2022).Artificial intelligence, humanistic ethics.Daedalus, 151(2): 232-243.
[43] Margetts, H.(2022).Rethinking AI for good governance.Daedalus, 151(2): 360-371.
[44] Schmidt, E.(2022).AI, great power competition & national security.Daedalus, 151(2): 288-298.
[45] Kobi, G. & Grosz,B.J.(2022).Multi-agent systems: Technical & ethical challenges of functioning in a mixed group.Daedalus.151(2).114-126.
[46] Chow, A & Perrigo, B.(2023).The AI arms race is changing everything.Time.201(7): 51-54.
[47] Diakopoulos, N.(2019). Automating the news: How algorithms are rewriting the media. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
[48] McKinsey Global Institute.The future of work after COVID-19.Retrieved March15,2022,from https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/future-of-work/the-future-of-work-after-covid-19.
[49] Coyle, D.(2022).Socializing data.Daedalus, 151(2): 338-359.
[50] Wang, D.(2023).China's hidden tech revolution.Foreign Affairs.102(2): 65-77.


 Tan Tieniu & Zeng Jingping.Practical Applications, Theoretical Tracing and Future Concepts of Smart Communication[J].FUTURE COMMUNICATION,2018,(03):2.
 Li Siqu.The Human Spirit and Value Propagation in the Age of AI[J].FUTURE COMMUNICATION,2018,(03):18.
[3]曾静平,刘 爽.智能广告的潜进、阵痛与嬗变[J].未来传播(浙江传媒学院学报),2018,(03):9.
 Wu Zhaohui.The Past, Present and Future of Artificial Intelligence[J].FUTURE COMMUNICATION,2019,(03):2.
 Liao Xiangke.Man-computer Collaboration, Cross-media Perception and Life Service under the Guidance of Artificial Intelligence and Supercomputing Technology[J].FUTURE COMMUNICATION,2019,(03):2.


基金项目:国家留学基金(202106755001)。 作者简介:刘兢,男,教授,博士; 陈芷薇,女,硕士研究生。
更新日期/Last Update: 2023-06-15