|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]黄 敏,袁 蕾.受众卷入、评论互动与公众舆论: 基于话语分析的网易新闻用户评论案例考察[J].未来传播(浙江传媒学院学报),2021,(02):69-83.
 Huang Min & Yuan Lei.Audience Involvement,Comments and Interaction and Public Opinion: A Case Study of Netease News Users' Comments Based on Discourse Analysis[J].FUTURE COMMUNICATION,2021,(02):69-83.

受众卷入、评论互动与公众舆论: 基于话语分析的网易新闻用户评论案例考察()




Audience Involvement,Comments and Interaction and Public Opinion: A Case Study of Netease News Users' Comments Based on Discourse Analysis
黄 敏1袁 蕾2
Huang Min & Yuan Lei
受众卷入 评论互动 公众舆论 话语分析


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作者简介:黄敏,女,研究员,博士后; 袁蕾,女,副教授,硕士。
更新日期/Last Update: 2021-04-15